A lavash is a thin sheet of unleavened dough. Most often this type of pastry replaces bread in the Middle East and Asia. In the cultures of Eastern countries, lavash is quite strongly honored. A
large number of national dishes are created from the flatbread. For example, it was in the East that shawarma was invented.
In addition, pita is eaten as bread. It is usually served with kebab, vegetables and even fruit.
Penetrating the countries of Europe, pita was actively used to experiment with dishes. This is how lavash rolls appeared.
Let’s tell you about a pita roll with sausage,
Ingredients for rolls with sausage:
- pita;
- hard cheese;
- sausage;
- black pepper;
- dill;
- mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil.
Preparation of rolls with sausage:
Grate cheese on large shredding cutters, as well as sausage. Mix shredded cheese and sausage in a bowl, add mayonnaise
, sprinkle the mixture with ground black pepper. Chop dill finely, pour it also into the cheese and sausage mixture, mix the components thoroughly.
Put this mixture on a pita sheet, roll up the pita into a roll.
Divide the big roll into several small ones.
Heat vegetable oil in a skillet, fry the rolls on all sides until golden crust on medium heat.
The result is a quick, uncomplicated pita snack.
This dish will become a substitute for sandwiches in the morning.