Potatoes are one of the most popular crops in the world. Its history dates back several centuries. The
potato’s homeland is South America, where it grew in the wild. The Inca Indians cultivated potatoes as far back as about 15,000 years ago. They not only consumed potatoes as food, but also worshipped them as an animate being. The potato
was introduced to Europe in the 16th century by Spanish colonists
At first it was grown as an ornamental plant, and only after a while Europeans appreciated its taste.
Nowadays potatoes are eaten on all continents
It is one of the best-selling vegetables. You can cook with potatoes many dishes, for example, bake with minced meat.
Ingredients for baked potatoes with minced meat:
- onion – pcs;
- garlic – clove;
- potatoes – 5 pcs;
- minced meat – 450 g;
- salt – ½ tsp;
- sweet paprika – tsp;
- black pepper – a pinch;
- parsley – 30 g;
- eggs – 6 pcs;
- cheese.
Preparation of baked potatoes with minced meat:
Finely chop the onion, chunk the crushed garlic clove. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes.
In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry minced meat, add onion and garlic to it. Pour salt, sweet paprika and black pepper into the minced meat, mix.
In a separate pan in vegetable oil, fry potatoes until golden.
Chop parsley finely, you can add green onions to it.
Salt the potatoes, put
in a baking dish with the minced meat and mix.
Separately combine eggs with herbs, beat and pour the mixture on top of the casserole.
Grate cheese on a coarse grater, create a cheese cap on top.
Bake the dish in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
As a result, we get a delicious hearty dinner.
Casserole with potatoes and minced meat is always a win-win option for dinner and lunch.