Buttering bread with various sauces was invented in the Middle Ages. This practice was mainly practiced by cooks at the court of nobles. Probably, the concept of sandwich – bread with butter – appeared thanks to the medieval nobility.
In addition to cheeses, the bread could be filled with pieces of meat, sausage and other products. Valuable was bread with caviar, this meal was served at large events and balls.
Now sandwiches with various sauces, caviar and other components have become commonplace. It is worth trying to prepare a new spread on bread to slightly diversify breakfast.
Ingredients for sandwiches with caviar:
- processed cheese – pcs;
- eggs – 3 pcs;
- capelin caviar – 100 g;
- dill – a bunch;
- green onions – a bunch;
- baton – pcs.
Preparation of sandwiches with caviar:
Boil hard-boiled eggs, cut the loaf into thin slices. Slices of bread should be fried on a dry frying pan on both sides.
Cheese should be shredded on small grater cutters. To the cheese also rub hard-boiled eggs.
Shinch dill and green onions, together with caviar add to the mixture of cheese and eggs, mix the ingredients. Spread the mixture on the loaf slices.
Instead of dill, parsley is suitable for the recipe. There is no need to salt the mixture, as the caviar gives the necessary saltiness to the mixture.