Cutlets are one of the most ambiguous dishes on the planet. If you invite a Frenchman, an American and a Russian into your kitchen, each will make cutlets in a different way. A Frenchman will fry a rib on the bone, an American will make a thin beef cutlet, and a Russian will make a puffy chicken or pork cutlet. The
point is that in the concepts of each country cutlet is something special and different. Everyone has their own ideas about this meat product.
In France, the cutlet was originally a fried rib. But when the recipe migrated to other states, cutlets began to be prepared differently.
Let’s tell you how to make chicken cutlets.
Ingredients for chicken cutlets:
- Potatoes – 1 kg;
- Egg – 1 pc;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Flour – tbsp;
- Chicken fillets – 2 pcs.
Preparation of chicken cutlets:
Peel and grate potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze off excess liquid. Break to the potato mass egg, pour salt and flour, mix thoroughly.
Divide chicken fillet into small steaks across. Salt the chicken steaks and sprinkle with ground black pepper.
Divide each steak in half, cover both sides of the pieces with potato mass.
In a skillet in vegetable oil, fry chicken cutlets in potato batter on both sides until browned.
As a result, we get delicious chicken cutlets without using a blender and meat grinder.
Such cutlets can be served with any garnish.