It can be quite difficult to prepare a tasty, hearty dinner. As a rule, for dinner we make cutlets, quickly fry chicken or fish. Gradually, these viands begin to get very boring. Because of this there is an aversion to this food, we refuse to eat late.
Refusal of dinner leads to the fact that many people begin to finish eating after 10 pm, or even later. Avoid late-night snacking will help a competent diet and a varied dinner. That is, it is necessary to cook not only the same type of dishes.
Simple recipes will help to diversify the diet. For them you do not need to buy new exotic products.
Let’s talk about the recipe for baked pork.
- Meat – 400 g;
- Potatoes – 4 pcs;
- Onion – 2 pcs;
- Carrot – 1 pc;
- Tomato – 1 pc;
- Cheese – 100 g;
- Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp;
- Dill greens – 10 g;
- Salt – ½ tsp.
Cut into small pieces of pork. For the marinade mix mayonnaise with a clove of garlic and spices for meat.
Mix the marinade with the pork and leave for 15 minutes.
At this time cut small slices of peeled potatoes, cut onions in half rings, carrots and tomatoes in rings.
Divide the vegetables into 4 portions
Place the potatoes on a layer of foil covered with parchment. Place onions and carrots on top of the potatoes and then the meat.
Gather the parchment and foil into a pouch. We put tomato plates on top in the pouches, close the pouches.
Bake the dish at 200 degrees for 50 minutes.
Grate cheese on a coarse grater, chop dill. Mix cheese and dill with mayonnaise. 10 minutes before cooking take out the bags, open them and
put a spoonful of mayonnaise mixture in each bag.
Remove the opened bags to bake for another 10 minutes.
After cooking the dish can be sprinkled with paprika.
It turns out to be a delicious version of an unusual dinner.