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Kulich in 1 hour. Quick and tasty recipe: without yeast and dough proofing

Kulich is a type of sweet Easter bread. It usually has a cylindrical shape and is made of yeast dough with a large amount of eggs, butter and sugar.

Kulichi are common in different countries around the world where Easter is celebrated


In Greece, k


are called “tsoureki” and are made of dough with nuts, raisins and orange zest. In Italy, kulichi are called “panettone” and are made of sweet dough with candied fruits and dried fruits. In Germany, kulichi are simply called “Easter cupcakes” and are prepared from yeast dough with the addition of spices and dried fruits.

Let’s tell you how to prepare a classic kulich



  • 9% cottage cheese – 400 g;
  • egg – 4 pcs;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • leavening agent – 20 g;
  • flour – 350 g;
  • dried fruit – 150 g.

Preparation of kulich:

Mix in a deep bowl eggs with salt, lightly beat with a mixer. Pour sugar into the egg mixture and add cottage cheese, continue beating until homogeneous.

Melt butter and pour into the mixture


Pour the lemon zest into the mixture, sift in the flour and baking powder in batches.

Continue to beat the ingredients until the dough is thick.

Add the dried fruit to the dough, stir.

Кулич за 1 час. Быстрый и вкусный рецепт: без дрожжей и расстойки теста

Spread ½ of the dough into the kulich molds.

Кулич за 1 час. Быстрый и вкусный рецепт: без дрожжей и расстойки теста

Bake the cakes at 170 degrees for 25-40 minutes.

Кулич за 1 час. Быстрый и вкусный рецепт: без дрожжей и расстойки теста

After cooking, you can decorate the kulichi with a glaze made of protein and a special mixture. The cakes are simple and quick enough to bake.