Cakes have become one of the main treats for a celebration, be it a wedding, anniversary or birthday. Cakes are made either in special confectionery factories or by the author confectioner in his own studio. The
difference between factory cakes and author’s cakes is that factory cakes are prepared in large quantities
As a rule, the percentage of dyes and flavorings in such cakes is exceeded. Author’s cakes are less harmful, but more expensive. Therefore, instead of these two options, you can try to prepare the cake yourself.
Let’s tell you how to prepare a cake “Ladies’ fingers”.
Ingredients for the cake “Ladies’ fingers”:
- water – 375 ml;
- flour – 225 g;
- butter – 150 g;
- eggs – 6 pcs;
- mascarpone – 250 g;
- sour cream 20% – 200 ml;
- sugar – 180 g;
- condensed milk – 2 tbsp;
- vanilla sugar – 20 g.
Preparation of the cake “Ladies’ fingers”:
In a bowl, combine mascarpone with sour cream, granulated sugar, condensed milk and vanilla sugar. With a mixer whip all components to a homogeneous creamy mass, remove to the refrigerator.
In a saucepan pour water and bring to a boil. Melt butter in advance, pour into the water. Pour the flour into the liquid, knead the dough in the pot.
After the dough becomes homogeneous, turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove
Gradually add the beaten eggs in 5 parts to the cooled dough, knead
the dough
Transfer the dough into a pastry bag or pastry syringe
Grease a
tray with vegetable oil, on the surface of a small lay out sticks of dough about 10-15 cm in length.
Bake these sticks first at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, and then at 180 degrees for 5 minutes.
Grease the surface of the plate with cream, lay out the first layer of sticks – 5 pieces in a row.
Grease the top of the row with cream, perpendicularly lay out the second layer of sticks.
Cover the second row of sticks with cream
. Continue laying rows of sticks, gradually reducing their number.
You should get a pyramid of sticks and cream.
For a beautiful look you can sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips or chopped nuts. You get a sweet homemade cake, which can be made quickly and without difficulty.