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Lard and sausage spread. Recipe for a snack and for first courses: tasty and hearty

Lard and sausage spread is a traditional dish that occupies a place of honor on the tables of lovers of hearty cuisine, especially in Eastern Europe. This exquisite snack combines the rich flavors of pork lard and fragrant sausage, creating a rich and intense combination that pleasantly surprises with its variety of textures and shades of flavor. Lard

, being one of the main ingredients, gives the spread a creamy consistency, and its natural fat adds richness and depth of flavor


The sausage, in turn, adds savory flavor as well as variety. Using different types of sausage, from smoked to cooked, you can create different variations of the spread, customizing it to suit your preferences and moods.


  • lard – 500 g;
  • sausage – 200 g;
  • green onion – a bunch;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • ground black pepper -1 tsp;
  • paprika – 1 tbsp;
  • Provencal herbs – 1 tsp.

Preparation of lard and sausage spread:

Preliminary lard should be salted for 1 day in the refrigerator. Pass lard and sausage through a meat grinder, chop green onions as finely as possible.

Mix lard, sausage and onions in a bowl, press garlic cloves into the ingredients. Salt the mixture, pepper, sprinkle with paprika and provan herbs.

Намазка из сала и колбасы. Рецепт для перекуса и к первым блюдам: вкусно и сытно

Stir all the ingredients and pack into jars.

Намазка из сала и колбасы. Рецепт для перекуса и к первым блюдам: вкусно и сытно

So you get a simple, but very tasty spread on bread. It is suitable for breakfast or as an appetizer for holidays.