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Learned this trick in a restaurant. Crab stick salad in a new way: delicious and simple

Crab sticks began to be made around 1970 in Japan. Crab sticks were made because of the high cost of crab meat. Since the Japanese have a strong cult of fresh food, including seafood, they cannot allow stale crab on their table. And to buy fresh expensive crab not all Japanese in 1970 had the opportunity. This is how crab sticks appeared. The

deception with the sticks was quickly revealed, as buyers realized that they are created from simple fish meat. At the same time, the demand for sticks did not fall, since the product was cheap and quite edible.

Now in all countries there are crab sticks


From them you can prepare a simple crab salad.

Ingredients for crab salad:

  • crab sticks – 200 g;
  • red bell pepper – ½ pc;
  • tomato – 2 pcs;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp.

Preparation of crab salad:

Knead the crab sticks with a rolling pin, distribute them into small fibers.

Peel the pepper from the insides and cut into small strips.

Remove the inside from the tomatoes, cut into similar strips as the pepper


Grate cheese on a coarse grater

. Mix cheese with tomatoes, peppers and crab sticks in a bowl. Pass garlic cloves through a press into the salad, dress with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Узнала этот трюк в ресторане. Салат из крабовых палочек новым способом: вкусно и просто

You get a simple crab salad.

Узнала этот трюк в ресторане. Салат из крабовых палочек новым способом: вкусно и просто

This is a great appetizer for the table, which will replace the classic salad with crab sticks.