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Lecho from 2 ingredients. Best recipe: without vinegar, oil and sterilization

Lecho is a traditional dish of Hungarian cuisine.

There is no exact recipe for lecho

. In




cook prepares


according to

his or her own



In Hungary, each cook prepares this dish according to his own taste

, but the invariable ingredients for lecho are tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers. The

use of lecho is found in all European countries


For example, in Italy, lecho is served as pasta, and in Germany with sausages and grilled meat.

Let’s tell you how to prepare lecho at home.

Ingredients for lecho:

  • tomatoes – 7 kg;
  • sweet pepper – 3 kg;
  • parsley – a bundle;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp.

Preparation of lecho:

Peel tomatoes from the skin, placing them in advance in boiling water. Cut tomatoes into thin rings, put them in a pot.

Лечо из 2-х ингредиентов. Лучший рецепт: без уксуса, масла и стерилизации

Remove the stalks from the tomatoes in advance

. On medium heat under a lid cook tomatoes until boiling. Sterilize the jars and lids, rinse with a cleaning agent and pour ½ boiling water.

Cut each pepper into two parts, remove the insides and seeds. Cut the peppers into small pieces. Periodically stir the boiling tomatoes, cook for 1.5 hours.

Then add the sweet peppers to the tomatoes, cook together for 15 minutes. Shinkuem finely parsley, put in a pot with tomatoes and peppers.

Лечо из 2-х ингредиентов. Лучший рецепт: без уксуса, масла и стерилизации

Pour salt and sugar to the lecho, stir and cook for 10 minutes. After cooking, put the lecho in jars and roll up.

Лечо из 2-х ингредиентов. Лучший рецепт: без уксуса, масла и стерилизации

Turn the jars over and leave under a towel to cool.

Лечо из 2-х ингредиентов. Лучший рецепт: без уксуса, масла и стерилизации

Lecho can be used as an independent appetizer or an addition to borscht, meat and other dishes. This recipe does not imply adding vinegar or spices to the common ingredients.