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Make 2 servings at once. The most delicious apple muffin: just cooled, eaten all to crumbs

The first cupcake was made in ancient Rome. So old is this type of pastry. However, the muffin was not prepared in the same way as they write in modern books. A muffin was a bread that combined fruits, nuts, and berries. All these fillings were cooked in barley mashed potato

. Originally, the muffin had no name. It was invented only in the Middle Ages. From English, muffin means cake, if translated literally. The name was shortened and acquired a certain coloring in the eyes of people. The

cupcake was associated with a sweet dessert.

Let’s prepare a modern sweet and fluffy cupcake at home.

Ingredients for the cupcake:

  • butter – 100 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • vanilla – a pinch;
  • milk – 120 g;
  • flour – 210 g;
  • leavening agent – 1 tsp;
  • apples – 3 pcs.

Preparation of the muffin:

In a bowl lay out the butter, pour in the vegetable oil. Pour salt, vanilla and granulated sugar into the butter, beat with a whisk for 3-4 minutes.

Готовьте сразу 2 порции. Самый вкусный яблочный кекс: только остыл, съели все до крошки

Break eggs into the cream mixture, pour in milk and beat until eggs dissolve in the butter. Combine the flour and baking powder, sift into the cream mixture in batches.

Beat the dough with a mixer at low speed. Do not beat the dough for a long time, the dough should just become homogeneous.

Peel the apples from the peel and seed pods, cut into small cubes. Add the apples to the cream batter, leaving some to decorate the top.

Готовьте сразу 2 порции. Самый вкусный яблочный кекс: только остыл, съели все до крошки

Grease a muffin tin (11×23 cm) with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the dough into the mold, it is required to distribute them evenly over the surface.

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Готовьте сразу 2 порции. Самый вкусный яблочный кекс: только остыл, съели все до крошки

On top of the dough put apple slices.

Готовьте сразу 2 порции. Самый вкусный яблочный кекс: только остыл, съели все до крошки

Bake the muffin at 180 degrees for 60 minutes in the oven.

Готовьте сразу 2 порции. Самый вкусный яблочный кекс: только остыл, съели все до крошки

You get a soft muffin with a crispy crust on top.

Готовьте сразу 2 порции. Самый вкусный яблочный кекс: только остыл, съели все до крошки

It is important not to take the hot muffin out of the mold, let it cool down to a warm state.

The author of the photo and the original recipe channel on youtube.com: Cooking with Tanya 2.0

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