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Manty on a frying pan tastes better than dumplings. Perfect dough: juicy and tasty recipe

Manty is a dish that reminds many CIS residents of dumplings. It is very similar, as it has a thin dough and minced meat inside. Manty and dumplings are also cooked in a similar way. Both dishes need to be cooked to get a tasty and hearty dinner or lunch.

Manty is known in Central Asia, Turkey, Mongolia and Korea. In the CIS, manty was eaten for a long time by Turkic peoples, Tatars and Bashkirs. Actually, thanks to Bashkortostan and Tatarstan, the rest of the Slavs learned about manty and later invented an analog in the form of dumplings.

Now few people cook their own dumplings and manty


Mostly, the dish is bought in stores. But, homemade manty differ greatly in taste from the store ones.

Ingredients of the dough for manty:

  • Flour – 600 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Water – 300 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp.

Ingredients for stuffing:

  • Ground beef – 300 g;
  • Chicken minced meat – 300 g;
  • Onions – pcs;
  • Carrots – pcs;
  • Basil;
  • Hmeli-suneli;
  • Italian herbs;
  • Paprika;
  • Salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of manti:

Mix eggs and vegetable oil for the dough in one bowl. Pour the salt into the eggs, pour in the water and mix again.

Pour the flour into the dough and start kneading a soft, elastic ball. Leave it under a towel while we prepare the filling. Chop

the onion, grate the carrots and fry until golden and soft in a frying pan. Mix ground beef and chicken, add fried onions and carrots

, season the stuffing with basil, Hmeli-Suneli, Italian herbs, paprika and salt to taste. Divide the dough into two parts, knead

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, roll each piece of dough into thin sausages, divide into small rolls equal in size to walnuts. Roll out the rolls into thin tortillas with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Put the filling into the tortillas. First fold the two opposite edges together and pinch the top.

Манты на сковороде вкуснее пельменей. Идеальное тесто: сочный и вкусный рецепт

Then fold in the two free edges, fasten, fold and seal them from the outside.

Манты на сковороде вкуснее пельменей. Идеальное тесто: сочный и вкусный рецепт

Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, put the manty on it. Grease the top of the manty with vegetable oil. Pour 200 ml of water with a spoonful of baking soda to the manty.

Манты на сковороде вкуснее пельменей. Идеальное тесто: сочный и вкусный рецепт

Bring the manty to a boil and then cook under a lid on low heat for 30-35 minutes.

Манты на сковороде вкуснее пельменей. Идеальное тесто: сочный и вкусный рецепт

You will get juicy and tasty manty.

Манты на сковороде вкуснее пельменей. Идеальное тесто: сочный и вкусный рецепт

They can be combined with both sour cream and ajika.

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