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“Meat according to Tsarski”. It’s not a shame to serve it at a festive table: I cook only like this for my husband

Meat has been present in the human diet for many centuries. Scientists suggest that humans are carnivores. People ate vegetables and fruits only when there was a shortage of animal meat. For example, there was a drought or animals on the common territory were sick.

Gradually joining vegetables and herbs, our distant ancestors did not stop honoring meat. Taboo on food from animals came with the emergence of religion. And many deities allowed people to eat meat. The ban applied only to those who violated the laws of the community.

Therefore, meat has tightly entered all culinary cultures of mankind. This is the main source of protein for our body

. Therefore, we want to tell you about one of the ways to prepare a juicy meat dish.

Ingredients for royal meat:

  • pork, beef, chicken or turkey – 700 g;
  • soy sauce – 6 tablespoons;
  • potato starch – 3 tablespoons.

Preparation of royal meat:

The meat should be cut into small slices no more than 7 mm thick. Pieces are thoroughly beaten on both sides and dipped in starch.

"Мясо по Царски". На праздничный стол подать не стыдно: для мужа готовлю только так

Then envelop the starchy meat slices in soy sauce.

"Мясо по Царски". На праздничный стол подать не стыдно: для мужа готовлю только так

Heat a frying pan with a small amount of sunflower or olive oil. Place chops on the surface, fry on both sides for 3 minutes on medium heat.

"Мясо по Царски". На праздничный стол подать не стыдно: для мужа готовлю только так

You get juicy chops, which do not need to salt.

You can add a little ground black pepper to the meat in the pan and add a sprig of rosemary for a tart flavor.