Fish dishes are not particularly popular compared to meat dishes. The fact is that fish must be subjected to more thorough cleaning. River fish has a lot of bones in the meat, which creates problems when eating it. There are
many excuses not to cook fish dishes. However, do not forget that fish contains many minerals that are not accumulated in either vegetables or meat.
For example, pollock can reduce blood glucose and cholesterol much more effectively than many vegetable products. Therefore, you need to combine fish dishes in your menu with other viands.
We will tell you how you can deliciously fry pollock.
Ingredients for fried pollock:
- Pollock – 1200 g;
- Salt – 1 tsp;
- Hmeli-suneli – 1 tsp;
- Seasoning for fish – 1 tsp;
- Eggs – 2 pcs;
- Flour – 2-3 tbsp.
Preparation of fried pollock:
It is necessary to thoroughly clean pollock from the insides, skin and bones, cut the fish into small portioned pieces.
Do not forget to rinse the fish well inside and outside.
In a bowl break eggs, rub salt, hopeli-suneli and seasoning for fish into the pollock meat.
Dip the pieces in the egg mixture, and then coat in flour.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry pollock on both sides until golden crust for 7-10 minutes on each side.
The result is an uncomplicated dinner of fish. It is recommended to consume pollock with salad or cereals.