In restaurants we meet different interesting dishes that can be made unusually. For example, various vegetables are cut in the form of flower buds. At the same time, it can be difficult to repeat such beautiful flowers at home.
Fortunately, now there are many training videos that help to reveal all the nuances of beautiful serving. If in addition to a beautiful decoration you want to get a functional dish, you will have to look for recipes more carefully. For example, we can offer not just beet rosettes, but beet flowers with stuffing inside. This is a great dish for dinner and will impress guests.
Ingredients for beet rosettes:
- beets – 2 pcs;
- egg – pcs;
- salt – a pinch;
- flour – 350 g;
- minced meat – 200 g;
- onion – pcs.;
- yogurt – 200 g;
- garlic – 2 cloves.
Preparation of beet rosettes:
Rub the peeled beet on a fine grater, salt and leave it for 15 minutes. Pour the beet juice into a separate container with a skimmer.
Crack an egg into the juice, add salt and stir. Pour the flour into the mixture in batches and knead into a pink dough. Leave the dough under cellophane for 5 minutes.
Chop the onion finely and mix with the stuffing. If desired, add salt and spices to the stuffing.
Divide the dough into two parts, roll out thin sheets 35 cm in diameter.
Using a small glass, divide the sheets into circles.
Fold each 4 circles slightly overlapping each other. Place a strip of minced meat along the length of the circles.
Wrap the mincemeat in one of the edges of the dough and twist the circles, turning the design into a rose.
To cook, leave the rosettes in the steamer for 30 minutes.
In the meantime, rub the garlic into the Greek yogurt
, which makes an interesting dumpling, only in the form of rosettes
The beet juice in the dough gives the dish a pleasant flavor.