Cakes are an important part of any celebration in modern times. Now there are a large number of different confectioners who create incredibly gorgeous cakes of author’s work. The
business of a confectioner is very painstaking, sometimes requiring incredible jewelry precision. Only thanks to a responsible approach to their profession confectioners achieve great success.
However, handmade cakes can be very expensive. Therefore, people turn to store-bought options. Purchased cakes are a kind of Russian roulette. Can get a good
dessert, but more often there are too sugary and sweet products.
To avoid spending a lot of money and not a tasty cake, let’s make it ourselves.
Ingredients for cookie cake:
- cookies – 250 g;
- water – 50 ml;
- cottage cheese – 500 g;
- gelatin – 2 tsp;
- powdered sugar – 60 g;
- vanilla sugar – tsp.
Cooking the cake of cookies:
Lay a layer of cookies on the bottom of the baking mold. In a bowl with cottage cheese pour powdered sugar and vanilla sugar, mix the components well.
Gelatin dissolve in water, wait for complete thickening of the product. Then you need to melt the gelatin in a saucepan and integrate the cottage cheese mixture into it piece by piece.
When all the gelatin is combined with the cott
cheese mixture, you can gradually lay it out on a layer of cookies. It is important to level the curd mixture well on the surface.
On the layer of curd mass lay out the cookies again, pour the rest of the gelatin cream over it. Leave the cake in a cold place for at least 3 hours.
To decorate the dessert, you can use chocolate chips.
You get a delicious and simple, and most importantly soaked cake of cookies.