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Much tastier than the famous “Olivier”: you will want to cook it again and again. Salad “Minute”

How often do you make salads? Often people forget about such a dish as an everyday salad. Most often, the viands are prepared as an appetizer for the festive table.

However, you should not forget to consume salads on a regular basis. This is especially true for vegetable salads or fruit salads.

They are able to give the body vitamins and minerals necessary for normal functioning.

It is worth showing a recipe for a hearty snack salad for an afternoon snack


Ingredients for salad “Minute”:

  • smoked chicken breast – 200 g;
  • hard cheese – 80 g;
  • tomato – pcs;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • mayonnaise – 4 tbsp;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • green onion – 3 feathers.

Preparation of salad “Minute”:

Shred the cheese on small grating teeth. Cover a deep plate with food film. Put the cheese on the bottom, smear the surface with mayonnaise.

Cut a small diced tomato, put it on the second layer. Salt the tier of tomato, sprinkle with chopped green onions.

Boil hard-boiled eggs, cool. At this time, cut smoked chicken breast into small cubes, put a layer on the tier of tomatoes and onions. Smear

the layer of chicken breast with mayonnaise


Grate boiled chicken eggs, form a layer on the tier of meat. Coat the egg layer with mayonnaise, leave the salad for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Carefully turn the salad on a flat plate with the bottom up. Remove the salad from the deep plate with the help of plastic wrap.

Намного вкуснее знаменитого “Оливье: его хочется готовить снова и снова. Салат “Минутка”

Намного вкуснее знаменитого “Оливье: его хочется готовить снова и снова. Салат “Минутка”

The result is an unusual salad, which is prepared quickly and without difficulties. This dish is good for a snack and for a festive table.

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