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My grandmother taught me how to make the “right” icing for kulichi. It looks beautiful and does not crack

One of the main attributes of the religious holiday of Easter is kulichi. Children are especially looking forward to this sweet bread. Kids like not only the sweet spongy biscuit, but also the top of the kulichi.

Probably, you too in your childhood years liked to eat first the top, and then the rest of the part.

It should be admitted that store-bought kulichi do not have a tasty glaze


As a rule, it hardens with a crust that crumbles a lot. Also bought kulichi can be luscious, which spoils their taste.

To avoid the wrong glaze, we suggest learning how to prepare it yourself.

Ingredients for glaze for kulichi:

  • egg white – 70 g;
  • sugar – 140 g.

Preparation of glaze for kulichi:

Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. You can use the yolks for other recipes. One egg has about 35 grams of protein, that is, you need a couple of eggs for cooking.

Pour granulated sugar to the whites, whip the mixture with a mixer at maximum speed for a minute. If you don’t have a mixer, you need to whip it with your hands for about half an hour.

As soon as the mass becomes white, give the mixer a little rest. After 3 minutes, whisk the mixture for 10 minutes.

Бабушка научила готовить "правильную" глазурь для куличей. Выглядит красиво и не трескается

Бабушка научила готовить "правильную" глазурь для куличей. Выглядит красиво и не трескается

The resulting glaze for kulichi has a consistency perfectly suitable for this baking. The mass does not drip from the convex surface, while looking beautiful and does not crack.