It can be quite a difficult task to cook fish in a tasty way. The fact is that fish meat is more delicate than pork or beef. Therefore, conventional cooking methods can harm the fibers and texture. Often fish is heavily fried, which makes the meat dry. There
are also problems with fish marinade. The meat absorbs too many spices, which can give a completely different flavor that was originally conceived.
It is worth being careful when choosing spices for fish
It is necessary to operate with information from the Internet, so as not to spoil the taste.
We will tell you how you can make marinated pollock with a simple recipe.
Ingredients for marinated pollock:
- Pollock – 500 g;
- Onions – pcs;
- Carrots – pcs;
- Tomato paste – tbsp;
- Laurel leaf – pcs;
- Flour – 100 g;
- Salt – ½ tbsp;
- Sugar – ½ tbsp;
- Apple cider vinegar – tbsp.
Preparation of marinated pollock:
The onion should be cut into half-rings, rub carrots on a coarse grater. In a bowl with flour pour a pinch of salt, roll the fish pieces in the mixture. In
a frying pan with hot vegetable oil it is necessary to fry pieces of pollock on all sides until golden color. Then transfer the fish to a bowl.
In the oil used for pollock fry onions and carrots. To slightly soft vegetables put tomato paste, mix, continue cooking.
300 ml of water should be poured into the vegetable mixture, stew for about 5 minutes. In the resulting mixture pour salt, sugar, pour apple cider vinegar, stir.
Put a bay leaf in the sauce, stew the mixture for 2-3 minutes on moderate heat. Next, put the pollock pieces in the sauce, immerse them in the mixture.
You need to cook the pieces of pollock on both sides for a couple of minutes. Then under a lid you should let the fish cool down and soak in the sauce for 3 hours.
This dish is usually served cold. Pollock under the marinade turns out to be very flavorful and juicy.