Meat pies are considered a classic in almost every cuisine in the world. The fact is that historically, meat pies are the first pies with filling in humans. It is true that originally the pastry was made inedible. It was used to carry meat products on the road.
Later meat pies began to be made with edible dough. People realized that this way they could get full much faster. Meat is wasted less, it turns out also delicious.
Let’s tell you how to cook meat pies yourself.
Ingredients for meat pies:
- rice – 400 g;
- water – 800 ml;
- salt – tsp;
- onion – pcs;
- minced meat – 400 g;
- ground black pepper – a pinch;
- butter – 50 ml;
- eggs – 6 pcs;
- cornstarch – 2 tbsp.
Preparation of meat pies:
Rinse thoroughly rice and boil in salted water until ready. Dice onion, fry until soft in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
Add minced meat to the onion, mix, salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper.
Pour melted butter into the boiled rice, break 3 eggs, mix the components.
In a small bowl on the inner surface put food film. Put a spoonful of rice in the bowl, knead on the surface In the rice cavity put 2 spoons of meat filling, seal inside, as if in a bag.
Do the same with the rest of the rice and stuffing. Mix three eggs with cornstarch. Release the rice ball from the foil and envelope it in the starch mixture.
Heat vegetable oil in a skillet, roll the patties in breadcrumbs and place on the surface. Fry the patties on both sides over medium heat until golden.
As a result, we have patties without adding flour and long kneading of the dough. This unusual pastry retains the juice inside, which makes the filling more flavorful.