The benefits of salads can be talked about for quite a long time. This is a simple and useful dish that improves digestion and saturates the body with various vitamins and minerals.
Of course, not all salads can bring health benefits. For example, if you abuse store-bought mayonnaise in salads, you risk getting cardiovascular disease, as well as stomach and liver problems.
Therefore, it is necessary to be moderate about salad dressings
Many vegetable and fruit dishes are good without dressings. We want to tell you about one of these salads – “Nargiz”.
Ingredients for salad “Nargiz”:
- tomato – pcs;
- garlic – 2 cloves;
- sour apple – pcs;
- semi-hard cheese – 50 g.
Preparation of salad “Nargiz”:
The apple can be cut into large slices, while cleaning from the peel and seed pod. Shred the cheese together with the apple on a large grater. The
tomato should be cut into thin small slices
If the tomato is small, you can take a couple of pieces.
Garlic cut as finely as possible and combine in one bowl with tomatoes, apple and cheese. It is recommended to dress the salad with sour cream or Greek yogurt, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
Garlic can not be added to the salad, if you do not want to feel its flavor in the dish. It turns out to be a good vitamin meal, suitable for a snack.