A tasty salad is a pledge not only of quality ingredients, but also of the right algorithms of preparation. To prepare a tasty and healthy salad, you need to follow a few simple rules.
First, prepare all the products. Vegetables and fruits need to be washed and cleaned of peels, seeds and other inedible parts. Greens need to be washed and dried
. Secondly, carefully chop the ingredients. Vegetables, fruits and greens should be cut so that they are about the same size. This will help them evenly soak in the dressing.
Following simple rules, you will get a delicious salad for an appetizer and for the holiday table.
Ingredients for the salad:
- boiled chicken fillet – pcs;
- red onion – pcs;
- carrots – pcs;
- bacon – 3 pcs;
- pickled cucumbers – 3 pieces;
- parsley – a bunch;
- mayonnaise;
- boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
- olives.
Preparation of the salad:
Cut small cubes boiled fillet, quarter rings cut onion and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Grate peeled carrots on a coarse grater, fry them separately from onions in a pan with oil.
Cut bacon into small spikelets, fry them separately from all vegetables, but on a dry pan. Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes
. Chop parsley finely. In a cooking ring put the chicken fillet, salt and smear with mayonnaise. On a layer of chicken put fried onions and pickles, smear with mayonnaise.
Eggs are divided into yolks and whites, yolks are rubbed on a fine grater
Sprinkle yolks on the cucumber layer, add fried carrots to the yolks.
Smear the carrot layer with mayonnaise, rub the whites on top. Smear the edges closer to the sides with mayonnaise, sprinkle the layer of sauce with parsley.
In the middle of the salad put fried bacon
Decorate the parsley layer with olives. Some of the olives can be cut into rings and put to the bacon.
It remains to remove the cooking ring from the salad.
You get a beautiful hearty salad for a festive table.