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No one will refuse it. Incredibly tasty potatoes in the oven: brown and flavorful

Potatoes are considered one of the most sought-after vegetables in many countries around the world. Potatoes are grown by 40% of countries, which is quite a lot compared to other vegetables. For example, celery is grown by only 5% of nations.

Why are potatoes so important to people? Many healthy and delicious dishes can be prepared from this vegetable. Even ordinary potato starch is constantly engaged by confectioners and bakers.

Let’s create from potatoes a delicious side dish for meat.

Ingredients for potatoes in the oven:

  • potatoes – 900 g;
  • salt – 1.5 tsp;
  • butter – 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • paprika – 1/2 tsp;
  • Provencal herbs – 1 tsp;
  • garlic – 4 cloves.

Cooking potatoes in the oven:

Peel the young small potatoes from the skin and send them to a pot with cold water. The liquid should completely cover the potatoes

. Bring the potatoes in the water to a boil, add a spoonful of salt. After boiling, cook the potatoes for 3 minutes, and then turn off the heat.

For the dressing, mix paprika, salt, and provan herbs in vegetable oil. Cut garlic into thin slices and put into the dressing.

Pour the dressing into the potatoes and mix.

Никто от неё не откажется. Невероятно вкусная картошка в духовке: румяная и ароматная

Put the potatoes in a baking dish, level the surface. Add butter cut into pieces to the potatoes.

Никто от неё не откажется. Невероятно вкусная картошка в духовке: румяная и ароматная

Bake the potatoes at 200 degrees for 25-40 minutes, depending on the size of the tubers.

Никто от неё не откажется. Невероятно вкусная картошка в духовке: румяная и ароматная

After cooking, you can sprinkle the potatoes with chopped dill and add a pressed garlic.

Potatoes are recommended not only as a side dish, but also as a main course.

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