The omelette is a traditional French dish. It originated in the town of Bessières, where it was called “hen’s dar”.
During the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, the omelette became more widely known. The fact is that it was the omelet that the inhabitants of the city fed the army of the French commander.
Later, the omelet went beyond the borders of France and became a fashionable dish throughout Europe
Now the relevance of omelets does not subside
Therefore, it is worthwhile to prepare a puffy omelet yourself.
Ingredients for omelettes:
- Egg – 8 pcs;
- Milk – 400 ml;
- Salt – a pinch;
- Butter – 10 g.
Preparation of omelet:
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. At this time in a bowl break the eggs, pour in the milk, salt and mix the components, but do not whisk.
The weight of eggs should be equal to the weight of milk, that is 400 g. Pour the egg mixture into a mold greased with butter.
Pay attention! The walls of the mold should not be lower than 3-3,5 cm. It is desirable to take molds with an area of 15×16 cm.
Bake the omelet in a preheated oven for 40-45 minutes. First, the omelette should rise in the oven and then slightly sink.
If you follow the rules of cooking, you will get a lush beautiful omelet. This is a simple dish that can become an important part of the morning ritual.