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Only 4 ingredients, but how delicious. Salad for a festive table: a worthy appetizer

Our culture has a strange rule – the holiday table should have classic salads with many components in the composition. However, it is not economical to buy separate products for each type of appetizer. It is much more budgetary to apply in cooking simple and affordable ingredients.

This practice in the preparation of salads is used by Europeans


In Western countries, it is not customary to set a table rich in dishes

. Of course, it is worth sticking to your traditions. But still, in order to save money, it is worth joining simple but tasty appetizer salads.

Ingredients for appetizer salad:

  • chicken liver – 400 g;
  • mayonnaise – tbsp;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • pickles – 2 pcs;
  • Korean carrots – 100 g.

Preparation of appetizer salad:

Cut the onions into quarter rings, fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Be sure to add a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt to the onions to enhance the flavor.

Liver should be boiled for 10 minutes, and then salt the water and cook for an additional 2-3 minutes. Boiled liver cut into small cubes, while removing the veins.

Chop finely Korean carrots and pickles


Combine all the chopped products in one bowl. Mix the components, dress with mayonnaise.

Только 4 ингредиента, но как вкусно. Салат на праздничный стол: достойная закуска

Do not salt this salad, since in its composition this function is performed by Korean carrots. This appetizer dish is very hearty, but simple.

Только 4 ингредиента, но как вкусно. Салат на праздничный стол: достойная закуска