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Our family loves them: 2 recipes for delicious breakfast sandwiches

Sandwiches have always been a quick way to snack. For this reason, this simple breakfast has become a cult. The popularity of sandwiches is especially felt in America. In the U.S. there are restaurant chains that specialize in large sandwiches with a variety of fillings.

Mostly such sandwiches are relevant for residents of metropolitan areas. In the hustle and bustle of fast life, snacks of sandwiches have become commonplace for millions. In

addition to New Yorkers, sandwiches are loved in other countries. For example, sandwiches are used as a breakfast or snack.

This is quite an acceptable meal between lunch and dinner.

Let’s tell you how to prepare delicious sandwiches


Ingredients for onion sandwich:

  • Bread;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Cheese – 100 g;
  • Onions – ½ pcs.

Preparation of onion sandwich:

Mix eggs with sour cream, beat thoroughly with a whisk. Grate cheese on a coarse grater, put it in the egg mixture.

Finely chop onions, add to the egg mixture. Cut the bread into small slices, dip in the mixture.

Put the cheese and onion stuffing on the surface of the slices.

В нашей семье их просто обожают: 2 рецепта вкуснейших бутербродов на завтрак

In a frying pan in vegetable oil fry the sandwiches with the filling down to a golden crust.

В нашей семье их просто обожают: 2 рецепта вкуснейших бутербродов на завтрак

Lightly fry the other side of the sandwich.

В нашей семье их просто обожают: 2 рецепта вкуснейших бутербродов на завтрак

Ingredients for garlic sandwich:

  • Bread;
  • Cheese – 100 g;
  • Boiled eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Carrots – pcs;
  • Sour cream – 2 tbsp.

Preparation of garlic sandwich:

Grate carrots and eggs on fine sharps of grater, mix. Grate cheese finely, add to carrots and eggs. Pass garlic cloves through a press, salt.

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Fill the mixture with sour cream and mix thoroughly. Cut bread into slices and smear each slice with the dressing.

В нашей семье их просто обожают: 2 рецепта вкуснейших бутербродов на завтрак

We get simple budget sandwiches. All components in the sandwiches can be supplemented and changed to your own taste.

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