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Ovenless cake with 1 egg. World famous recipe

The history of banana cake dates back several centuries. The first mentions of cakes with bananas are found in the European cuisine of the XIX century. However, the exact origin of the recipe is unknown.

Bananas became popular in Europe due to active trade with the colonies. These fruits were available only to rich people, so they were often used as an ingredient for desserts.

The first banana cakes were similar to the fruit cakes we are used to. Over time, the recipe changed and improved. In the XX century, more complex variants of banana cakes with several layers and creams appeared. Today, banana cake is a popular dessert that can be found on the menus of cafes and restaurants around the world. There are many recipes for banana cakes, which differ in ingredients and methods of preparation.

Let’s prepare one of the variants of banana cake without oven



  • banana;
  • butter – 20 g;
  • egg – pcs;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 8 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • milk – 150 ml;
  • flour – 130 g;
  • cocoa powder – 20 g;
  • leavening agent – 8 g.

Preparation of banana cake:

Cut the peeled banana into small circles. Grease a frying pan with butter, sprinkle with 10 grams of sugar.

Put the banana pieces on the pan.

For the dough, mix the egg with sugar and salt until the grains of sand dissolve


Pour the vegetable oil and milk into the mixture, pour in the vanilla sugar and mix again.

Sift the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into the mixture and knead the dough

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Pour the liquid batter over the banana layer in the pan, spreading it over the entire surface.

Торт без духовки с 1 яйцом. Знаменитый на весь мир рецепт

Cook the cake on medium heat under a lid for 25-30 minutes.

Торт без духовки с 1 яйцом. Знаменитый на весь мир рецепт

Carefully transfer the cake to a flat plate. Check the readiness with a wooden skewer, it should come out of the dough dry.

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