The recipe for this cake is already quite old and it is very appreciated in our family for its simplicity and quick preparation. Take any jam for the sponge cake according to your taste, but I always use jam with sourness to balance the flavor with the sweet cream.
For preparation you will need the following ingredients:
- flour, 2 cups;
- kefir, 1 cup;
- jam, 1 cup;
- eggs, 2 pcs;
- sugar, 1 cup;
- baking soda, 2 tsp.
To prepare the cream you need:
- sour cream, 2 cups;
- powdered sugar, a cup or half a cup according to your taste.
Cooking process
Choose a jam with sourness – blackberries, currants, cherries, etc.
Eggs begin to beat and in the process pour sugar, beat just until the sugar dissolves and add kefir, jam.
Flour sift and partially enter the mass, pour
soda, stir.
The dough is divided into 2 parts and we will bake 2 cakes in the forms, covered with parchment
Heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake until ready.
Cool the biscuits and cut into 2 cakes
For the cream, whip sour cream with powdered sugar
When you form the cake, smearing the cakes with cream, still put berries on the cream, then the cake will be very tasty.
Send it to the refrigerator to insist for a few hours
You can also decorate the cake with berries, grated chocolate or just sprinkle cocoa.