Potatoes are considered one of the most famous and popular types of vegetables all over the world. Many new and interesting dishes are regularly created with potatoes. Initially, however, potatoes were not so beloved by the masses. The
fact is that historically, potatoes were not properly consumed. Peasants ate the stems and blossoms of the vegetable rather than the tubers. This caused disease and death among the population. In some parts of Europe, the potato was called a deadly vegetable. Therefore, for a long time it was used as an ornamental plant.
But, years later, people learned to use potatoes. Now this vegetable can be baked, boiled and fried. Let’s tell about the recipe for potatoes with lard on the side dish.
Ingredients for potatoes with lard:
- potatoes – 1.3 kg;
- lard – 500 g;
- garlic – head;
- salt – ½ tsp.
Cooking potatoes with lard:
Rinse the potatoes, boil them in a pot until ready. It is important not to peel the potatoes when boiling. At this time, cut thin plates of lard and put in a frying pan.
Melt the lard on medium heat under a lid, salt. Do not forget to turn the lard so that the plates do not burn on one side.
When the lard gets a golden crust, remove it from the frying pan. Knead the garlic cloves and put them in the melted lard in the frying pan.
Fry the garlic until golden, remove it from the lard. Cut the potatoes not all the way through and cut them lengthwise. Pour melted fat into the holes.
Put the lard and garlic in the holes, pour the remaining fat over the potatoes. Put the potatoes in a baking mold and bake at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.
After cooking the potatoes can be sprinkled with herbs.
This dish can be used as a side dish or main dinner.