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Puffy and delicious cheesecakes “Like at Mama’s”. Everything seems simple, but there is one nuance

Many people believe that cheesecakes are a very caloric and unhealthy product. The fact is that most are convinced of the high fat percentage of cottage cheese – the main component of cheesecakes. However, one serving of cheesecakes contains about 190 calories. This is much lower than the calories in pancakes and many yogurts.

But, it should be remembered that not all cheesecakes are dietary. It depends on the filling, as well as the fat content of cottage cheese.

We will share a recipe for healthy puffy and soft cheesecakes.

Ingredients for cheesecakes:

  • cottage cheese – 500 g;
  • egg – pcs;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – tbsp;
  • semolina – 3 tablespoons;
  • cornstarch – 2 tbsp;
  • melted milk – 1 tbsp.

Preparation of cheesecakes:

In a bowl with cottage cheese break an egg, pour salt and granulated sugar, mix the ingredients thoroughly. Add semolina, melted milk and cornstarch to the curd mass, mix the ingredients again.

Leave the curd dough under a food film for 20 minutes. Then sprinkle the work surface with flour and form small lumps of dough.

Пышные и вкусные сырники "Как у Мамы". Вроде всё просто, но есть один нюанс

In the lumps you can make a hollow and put a small strawberry in the middle. It will be an interesting surprise for the family!

Cover the lumps with a mug and twist clockwise.

Пышные и вкусные сырники "Как у Мамы". Вроде всё просто, но есть один нюанс

Turn the cheesecake on the other side and under the mug counterclockwise. A puck of cottage cheese is obtained, which is required to be slightly leveled with your hands.

Пышные и вкусные сырники "Как у Мамы". Вроде всё просто, но есть один нюанс

In a skillet on butter fry the cheesniki on both sides under a lid on medium heat.

Пышные и вкусные сырники "Как у Мамы". Вроде всё просто, но есть один нюанс

As a sauce you can use sour cream mixed with powdered sugar.

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Пышные и вкусные сырники "Как у Мамы". Вроде всё просто, но есть один нюанс

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