Since the 1990s in our country, recipes for pies that can be made quickly have become increasingly popular. As a rule, in such cooking methods housewives do not need to calculate the exact proportions of flour. All ingredients are measured in cups, which is convenient if there is no kitchen scale.
This method of cooking came to our country from different states
In 1970, a similar recipe was noticed in the United States. There they sold special bags with flour and other components for the pie. Cooks only had to pour all the contents into the mold for baking.
Ingredients for lemon pie:
- Kefir – 250 ml;
- semolina – 250 ml;
- Sugar – 250 ml;
- Milk – 250 ml;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Egg – 2 pcs;
- Butter – 50 g;
- Flour – 150 g;
- Baking powder – 10 g;
- Powdered sugar – 100 g;
- Juice of half a lemon.
Preparation of lemon pie:
In a bowl with kefir pour semolina and granulated sugar, whisk the components with a whisk until dissolved. Break eggs into kefir, salt and stir.
Melt butter, add to the mixture of semolina and kefir. Sift the flour into the kefir, pour in the
powder and knead a thick dough.
Cover the baking dish with parchment
Grease the walls with butter and cover with parchment.
Put the dough in the mold, spread an even layer on the surface.
Bake the pie at 180 degrees in the oven for 50 minutes.
Poke the pie with a skewer over the entire surface, pour milk over the top.
Leave the cake to cool. In the meantime, mix powdered sugar and lemon juice for the glaze.
Cover the cake with the glaze of lemon juice and powdered sugar on top.
The result is a flavorful and fluffy simple pie.