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Puffy pancakes on water: not even eggs are needed. A recipe for pennies from childhood

Oladie is an ancient Slavic dish, which is the ancestor of pancakes. It is assumed that originally pancakes were pancakes, only puffier and smaller. Over time, the concept of cooking pancakes changed, which affected the separation of the two flour dishes. Pancakes

became thin and large in diameter flatbreads, and fritters remained small and puffy analogs of pancakes.

Cooked fritters from the simplest components – flour and water


Later, products in recipes began to be added, which affected the taste and appearance of fritters.

Let’s tell you how to cook puffy fritters at home.

Ingredients for fritters:

  • Water – 200 ml;
  • Raisins – 40 g;
  • Salt – a pinch;
  • Dry yeast – 2 tsp;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • Flour – 260 g.

Preparation of fritters:

To prepare the yeast base, mix yeast and a pinch of sugar, add a couple tablespoons of flour from the total amount. Pour a little water into the loose ingredients, knead the porridge

. Cover the yeast mixture with food film and leave it for 10 minutes. Next, pour the yeast into a deep bowl with the remaining water, pour sugar and flour, salt.

Add raisins to the dough, washed in advance, mix the components thoroughly


Cover the dough with cling film and leave it for half an hour.

Do not stir the dough anymore. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, scoop a portion of dough with a spoon and place on the surface.

Пышные оладьи на воде: даже яйца не надо. Рецепт за копейки из детства

Fry the fritters on both sides until golden.

Пышные оладьи на воде: даже яйца не надо. Рецепт за копейки из детства

You can make small fritters, then scoop the dough with a teaspoon. If you like large fritters, use a tablespoon.

Пышные оладьи на воде: даже яйца не надо. Рецепт за копейки из детства

You get puffy fritters with raisins.

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