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Pumpkin pie “3 glasses”. Simply melts in your mouth: you can’t taste the pumpkin at all

One of the most popular viands in Europe is pumpkin pie. This type of pastry is prepared every fall in many countries. Nowadays, together with pumpkin pie, people order pumpkin lattes in restaurants.

However, due to trends, pumpkin pie can be expensive in restaurants, cafes and coffee shops.

We suggest making an uncomplicated pumpkin pie at home.

Ingredients for pumpkin pie:

  • flour – 175 g;
  • semolina – 175 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • butter – 200 g;

Ingredients for stuffing:

  • pumpkin – 800 g;
  • lemon – 1 pc;
  • sugar – 100 g.

Preparation of pumpkin pie:

First prepare the filling – clean the pumpkin from the seeds and rind, cut into small pieces. Grate the pumpkin, sprinkle with sugar, grate

the lemon zest finely, squeeze the juice out of the lemon


Add the juice and zest to the pumpkin mixture, stir and leave for 10 minutes.

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

To prepare the dough, mix the flour with semolina, sugar and salt. Pour cold butter into the loose mixture, rub with your hands until crumbly.

Cover the baking dish with parchment, place ⅓ of

the crumbly

dough on the surface and lightly tamp it down.

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

Place ½ of the filling on top of the dough and tamp it down.

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

Continue to assemble the pie with a couple layers of filling and three layers of dough.

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

Bake the pie at 190 degrees for 35-40 minutes in the oven.

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

Remove the pie from the mold only after it has cooled completely.

Пирог с тыквой "3 стакана". Просто тает во рту: тыква не чувствуется совсем

If desired, add cinnamon and nutmeg to the filling. Pumpkin in such a pie is not felt, only the sweet flavor of citrus remains.