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Quick and delicious: cooking breakfast in 15 minutes. It’s all about the stuffing, it’s all about the filling

Croutons are considered one of the oldest types of dishes. This is due to the fact that people originally invented bread, and then began to experiment with it. The remains of bread were not thrown away, as the process of baking was labor-intensive. Therefore, bread was eaten even in stale form. But, later a recipe was invented for a more palatable use of dry bread. It was soaked in milk and egg mixture and then toasted.

Later, this method of preparing stale bread was used in all the countries of Europe. However, in each state, croutons were called differently.

In Spain and Italy, croutons are prepared with cheeses, in France with jam, in England and Germany served with scrambled eggs.

Let’s tell you how to make delicious croutons for breakfast.

Ingredients for croutons:

  • Baton – 1 pc;
  • Eggs – 3 pcs;
  • Cottage cheese – 4 tbsp;
  • Cheese – 100 g;
  • Dill – 1 bundle;
  • Butter – 30 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Salt – a pinch.

Preparation of croutons:

Divide the loaf into slices, through each full deep cut make shallow ones.

In a separate bowl mix cottage cheese with cheese

, grated

on a coarse grater


Chop dill, pour it together with salt into the mixture of cottage cheese and cheese.

Быстро и вкусно: готовим завтрак за 15 минут. Шикарно получается: всё дело в начинке

In a separate bowl break eggs, beat. Spread a couple of spoonfuls of stuffing in the bread book, roll in the egg.

Быстро и вкусно: готовим завтрак за 15 минут. Шикарно получается: всё дело в начинке

In a skillet, heat vegetable oil, melt butter. Lay out the croutons in the egg in the frying pan, fry the croutons on both sides until golden.

Быстро и вкусно: готовим завтрак за 15 минут. Шикарно получается: всё дело в начинке

As a result, we get a delicious breakfast for tea.

ALSO READ:  I take 1 cup of kefir and 2 eggs. Flourless pancakes: a simple and delicious recipe

Быстро и вкусно: готовим завтрак за 15 минут. Шикарно получается: всё дело в начинке

These croutons are hearty, you can take them with you as a snack.

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