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Quick French dessert. Simple recipe: everyone can make it

Milfeuille is one of the most exquisite and popular French desserts, famous for its delicate flavor and crunchy texture. Its name comes from the French word “mille-feuille”, which means “a thousand leaves”. This is due to the dessert’s layered structure, consisting of thin layers of


and cream. The

history of mille-feuille dates back to the 18th century, when French pastry chefs began creating delicate desserts using the technique of layered pastry. This dessert became especially popular in the bakeries and cafes of Paris. Since then, it has undergone many variations and modifications, but has retained its basic features.

Let’s prepare a simple Milfeuille together


  • puff pastry – 2 disks;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • egg yolks – 4 pcs;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • cornstarch – 40 g;
  • butter – 50 g.

Ingredients for the glaze:

  • powdered sugar – 100 g;
  • egg whites – 20 g;
  • lemon juice – 3 drops;
  • A little unsweetened cocoa.


In a saucepan bring the milk to a boil. At this time mix yolks with sugar, add cornstarch, stir. Pour the hot milk to the yolks, mix the components.

Put the mixture in a saucepan and bring to thickening, stirring constantly. Then put the mixture in a separate container and put butter to it, stir.

Cover the cream base “contact” with food film and leave in the refrigerator to cool. At this time, cut out circles of puff pastry with a glass.

Быстрый французский десерт. Простой рецепт: сможет приготовить каждый

Place the circles on a baking tray lined with parchment. Put parchment on top of the cakes, cover with a baking tray, bake at 180 degrees for 22 minutes.

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Быстрый французский десерт. Простой рецепт: сможет приготовить каждый

Similarly bake the trimmings from the cakes. Lay out the sections of the shortcakes, 3 in each section. Grease 2 of the 3 cakes with chilled cream, mixing it in advance.

Быстрый французский десерт. Простой рецепт: сможет приготовить каждый

Make a cake out of the crusts with cream, put the crust without cream on top.

For the glaze, combine the whites with the powdered sugar


mix until thick.

Pour the lemon juice

into the



Put ⅓ of the glaze into a separate container and pour cocoa to it. Brush the tops of the cakes with white icing and then decorate with brown icing.

You can use a skewer for the pattern.

Быстрый французский десерт. Простой рецепт: сможет приготовить каждый

Leave the dessert for 2 hours in the refrigerator, and then serve to the table. It turns out to be a delicious French dessert.

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