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Replaces both Shuba and Olivier. Classy salad Earl: decoration of the festive table

Among the large list of salads that exist in the world, most people will name first of all Caesar, Olivier. If a person lives in our country, then Olivier will be added to the total number.

These dishes are regular guests on the holiday table. It is surprising that with open access to the Internet and an abundance of products in stores, hostesses continue to prepare tons of these seasoned salads for celebrations. It is worth paying attention to newer dishes of this type.

Let’s prepare today a salad Graf, which will easily replace and Herring under a fur coat and Olivier.

Ingredients for salad Graf:

Заменяет и Шубу, и Оливье. Шикарный салат Граф: украшение праздничного стола

  • chicken – 200 g;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • green peas – 200 g;
  • sugar – tsp;
  • mayonnaise – 150 g;
  • water – 70 ml;
  • beets – 150 g;
  • vinegar – tbsp;
  • potatoes – 150 g;
  • prunes – 80 g;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs;
  • red onion – 80 g.

Preparation of salad Graf:

Boil to readiness beets, potatoes, eggs and meat. Prunes are transferred to a separate container and pour boiling water for 5-10 minutes.

In a clean bowl combine sugar, water, salt and vinegar, mix. Peel the onion and cut into thin half-rings. Put the vegetable in the vinegar mixture and leave to marinate for 10 minutes.

Remove the potatoes from the skin and mash them with a crusher. The layer of mashed potatoes is the foundation of our salad. For convenience, you can make the dish in a cooking ring.

Smear each new layer with mayonnaise. Chop

chicken meat with a knife into a small cube and sprinkle over the potato layer. Onions are thoroughly squeezed from the vinegar liquid, put on top of the chicken layer. All layers are distributed evenly on the ring. The

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next tier is made of green peas. Next, peel the eggs and grate them on medium grater teeth. Sprinkle the pea layer with egg shavings.

Softened prunes cut into small strips, put on the egg tier. Remove the top layer from the beet, grate and sprinkle the vegetable on the top of the salad.

Finish the cooking process with a layer of mayonnaise, keep in the refrigerator for soaking for 2 hours.

Заменяет и Шубу, и Оливье. Шикарный салат Граф: украшение праздничного стола

Thus you get a delicious salad Graf, which combines a little from Olivier and Herring under a fur coat. Guests should appreciate your efforts with this dish.

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