Salad “Diana” with mushrooms and crab sticks is an appetizing dish that pleases its fans with its bright taste, ease of preparation and versatility.
This salad takes a special place on holiday tables and is a good addition to lunch or dinner due to its texture and harmony of ingredients. The
origins of this salad can be traced back to Soviet cooking, when crab sticks became widely available in stores and gained popularity
They quickly occupied the niche of an affordable and simple product that could be used in various appetizers and salads.
The combination with mushrooms, another affordable and popular ingredient, made this salad a favorite among housewives.
- Onions – 1 pc;
- Mushrooms – 500 g;
- Salt – 1/2 tsp;
- Black pepper – a pinch;
- Mayonnaise;
- Crab sticks – 220 g;
- Eggs – 5 pcs;
- Cucumbers – 2 pcs;
- Parsley – a bundle.
Preparation of salad “Diana”:
Cut onions into half-rings, fry them in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Cut mushrooms into plates and fry them together with onions until golden color.
Cut crab sticks finely, put
in a salad bowl, on a mesh of mayonnaise
Cover the crab sticks also with mayonnaise layer, put mushrooms on it.
Grate boiled eggs on a coarse grater and put them on the mushroom layer. Smear the layer of eggs with mayonnaise. Cut cucumbers finely and cover the egg layer with them.
Smear the cucumber layer with mayonnaise and put the rest of the sticks on it. Chop parsley and sprinkle it on the top layer of cucumbers and crab sticks.
You get a simple, yet tasty salad of mushrooms and crab sticks. This is a good option for an appetizer for a festive table.