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Salad with chicken and oranges for the holiday table. Beautiful New Year’s recipe

Salad is a simple and straightforward dish that can be easily prepared at home from a modest amount of food. The most ideal salads are those that have both an attractive appearance and a terrific flavor combination of ingredients. Today we decided to favor a salad in layers. After all, it is bright, delicious and is prepared very simply. In addition to hearty products, the recipe contains oranges and juicy Peking cabbage.

Such a salad is definitely worth trying to prepare at home!


  • Peking cabbage – 250 g;
  • chicken fillet – 200 g;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • orange – pcs;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 150 g;
  • salt.

Preparation of the salad:

Finely chop peking cabbage and transfer to a salad bowl. Fill with two tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix. Finely dice the chicken fillet. In a separate dish, mix with salt and mayonnaise.

Boil eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Used a separate dish to mix the eggs with mayonnaise. In another dish mix grated cheese and mayonnaise.

Start assembling the salad. The first layer we lay out peking cabbage and level it. Then make a layer of chicken, eggs and cheese.

Cut orange slices and sprinkle them on the salad. Cover the top with food film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Салат с курицей и апельсинами на праздничный стол. Красивый Новогодний рецепт

The salad is ready, enjoy.