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Sausage from chicken thighs. Recipe in 1 hour: I don’t think about store-bought sausage anymore

Sausage products were known to mankind thanks to China. In ancient times, it was from this Asian empire that sausage was brought to European countries. The

English, French and Italians tried to make their own sausage, but the Chinese made it much tastier. The recipe for Asian sausages was kept secret for a long time. It turned out that in the Celestial Empire they use a special technology of adding spices to the meat.

Now this technique is used mainly by Chinese housewives, since this method is quite


in production.

We will show you how to make a delicious homemade sausage to refuse expensive store semi-finished products.

Ingredients for homemade sausage:

  • chicken thighs – kg;
  • ground paprika – tsp;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Preparation of homemade sausage:

Separate the meat of the hams from the bones, transfer the bones to a saucepan, pour 500 ml of water. Boil the bones for an hour to obtain broth.

Remove the meat from the skin and veins, grind it in a meat grinder. Pour ground paprika, crushed garlic and salt to the mince, mix the spices thoroughly with the mass.

Pour about 250 ml of broth to the mince, you can use more, according to your preferences


Cover the stuffing with food film, leave it for 12 hours in the refrigerator

. After solidification, roll the stuffing into a roll, fix it with bundles.

Колбаса из куриных окорочков. Рецепт за 1 час: про магазинную больше не вспоминаю

Bake the sausage in the oven at 180 degrees for 60 minutes.

Колбаса из куриных окорочков. Рецепт за 1 час: про магазинную больше не вспоминаю

If you want to give the sausage a beautiful look, then get rid of the film and bake for an additional half an hour. Then your sausage will become more flavorful and will acquire a characteristic blush.