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So delicious, I cook it 2 times a day. German cucumber salad: a budget-friendly recipe

People know quite a lot about French salads. For example, Olivier is particularly popular in our country. However, in addition to France, salads can be cooked in other parts of the world.

The Germans excel in cooking salads


Their dishes, unlike French ones, are unusual. In Germany, they like to combine ingredients that initially seem incompatible

. Once it seemed to many that beer and sausage could not be consumed together. Therefore, Germans are still important legislators of appetizers and other viands.

It is worth telling about the method of preparation of German cucumber salad.

Ingredients for German cucumber salad:

  • Cucumbers – 700 g;
  • Onions – 80 g;
  • Dill – bundle;
  • Sugar – tsp;
  • Apple cider vinegar (5%) – 2 tbsp;
  • Sour cream (24%) – 2 tbsp;
  • Cream (30%) – 4 tbsp;
  • Salt – a pinch.

Preparation of German cucumber salad:

Cucumbers should be peeled and cut into small thin circles. Cucumber slices should be salted and mixed.

Onions should be cut into half-rings, mixed with sugar and apple cider vinegar. For 10 minutes, the onion should marinate

. From cucumbers you need to drain excess water and combine with pickled onions. Shinkuem finely dill, pour into the salad.

Dress the salad with sour cream and cream, thoroughly mix all the ingredients together.

Так вкусно, готовлю по 2 раза в день. Салат из огурцов по-Немецки: бюджетный рецепт

For a more intense flavor in the salad you can add ground black pepper.

Так вкусно, готовлю по 2 раза в день. Салат из огурцов по-Немецки: бюджетный рецепт

So you get a simple budget salad for every day.