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Sour cream pie to please everyone. No one refuses it at our place: simple and delicious

Sour cream pie is a delicious treat that can become a decoration of any table. Tender and airy, it literally melts in your mouth, leaving behind a pleasant aftertaste.

There are many recipes for sour cream pie, but all of them are united by one common ingredient – sour cream. It is she who gives the pie its unique taste and aroma. As additional ingredients can be various fruits, berries, nuts or chocolate.

They add new flavor nuances to the pie and make it even more appetizing.

Ingredients for the pastry:

  • flour – 120 g;
  • salt – ⅓ tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • leavening agent – 1 tsp;
  • butter – 80 g.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • sour cream 20% – 500 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • vanillin – a pinch;
  • corn starch – 30 g;
  • flour – 30 g.

Preparation of sour cream pie:

Pour the flour, salt, sugar and baking powder into a common bowl. Dip the cold butter into the mixture, and then rub it finely into the flour.

Leave the dough in the refrigerator, at this time we prepare the filling. Separate the yolks from the whites, pour the yolks to the sour cream.

Add vanillin, flour and starch to the sour cream, mix. Beat the whites to a fluffy white mass, gradually pour sugar to the whites.

Mix carefully the protein mass with the sour cream


Put parchment on the bottom of the baking mold, grease the walls with butter.

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the dough poured into the mold, pour the sour cream filling on the dough

ALSO READ:  All mixed up and in the oven. A dessert that anyone can enjoy.


Сметанный пирог "Угодить всем". У нас от него никто не отказывается: просто и вкусно

Sprinkle the top of the filling with the rest of the dough.

Put the mold with the pie on a baking tray, pour boiling water on the bottom.

Сметанный пирог "Угодить всем". У нас от него никто не отказывается: просто и вкусно

It is important that the water completely covers the surface of the tray

. Bake the pie at 150 degrees for 1 hour. Leave the pie to cool in the mold and then carefully remove it.

Сметанный пирог "Угодить всем". У нас от него никто не отказывается: просто и вкусно

Сметанный пирог "Угодить всем". У нас от него никто не отказывается: просто и вкусно

Sour cream pie can be served as an independent dish or as a dessert after the main meal. It goes well with tea, coffee or other drinks.

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