It would seem, how can such a simple dish as pancakes be connected with paganism and deities? However, as historical summaries show, this flour product is directly related to the goddess of love and fertility – Lada.
Probably, pancakes were baked in order to placate the goddess. This gave pagans confidence in an abundant harvest and healthy offspring
. With all the love for pancakes, the first mention of full-fledged pancakes appeared in the XVI century. Before that time, fritters were a kind of pancakes, people did not see any special difference between the products.
The names of fritters were different for each nation. Someone called fritters olashki, someone called the pastry oladki.
This ancient pagan dish has reached our time almost unchanged
Let’s make delicious puffy fritters according to a modern recipe.
Ingredients for puffed fritters:
- flour – 300 g;
- milk – 400 ml;
- sugar – 40 g;
- vegetable oil – 20 g;
- salt – tsp;
- dry yeast – 11 g.
Preparation of puffed fritters:
Milk should be heated to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Pour vegetable oil into the warm milk, pour sugar, yeast and flour.
Components mix well, do not forget to salt. The resulting dough is sent to the heat for an hour.
On a moderate heat in vegetable oil fry the fritters formed on the surface. Fry the flour product should be fried on both sides until golden crust.
Fritters can be eaten with sour cream, condensed milk, jam and honey.
This is a good option for a snack when there is nothing else at home.