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Spread on a baking tray and eat all week long. Chicken rolls admired by the world

What are the specifics of cooking a dish in the form of a roll? Initially, it is worth understanding that rolls come in different forms. This is a confectionery product, and meat, and fish and even vegetables. That is, just for culinary imagination is huge.

If you choose to cook meat rolls, then it is worthwhile to immediately determine from what meat. The fact is that the meat for the roll should not be dry, as well as the stuffing. Otherwise, the roll will fall apart, will not be chewed and will cause a lot of inconvenience to the guests and you. Therefore, you need to know

how to

make juicy meat rolls.

Let’s tell you how to prepare good juicy and tender chicken rolls.

Ingredients for chicken rolls:

  • Chicken breast – 1000 g;
  • Tomato – 150 g;
  • Salt – ½ tsp;
  • Black pepper – a pinch;
  • Powdered breadcrumbs – tbsp;
  • Parsley – a bundle;
  • Bacon – 5 strips;
  • Cheese – 120 g;
  • Sour cream;
  • Paprika;
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs;
  • Thyme;
  • Vegetable oil – tbsp.

Preparation of chicken cutlets:

Cut the chicken breast into small steaks across. Place each steak under food wrap and beat thoroughly with a hammer.

Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

Cut tomatoes into small cubes. Chop a bunch of parsley, pour it into the tomatoes along with breadcrumbs, salt and ground black pepper.

Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil. Cut bacon into thin slices, cut cheese into large cubes.

Put a piece of bacon on the chicken chop, put the mixture of tomatoes and cheese on the bacon.

Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

Wrap the filling inside the chicken chop like a roll. Place the rolls on a baking tray tightly together. Drizzle the rolls with vegetable oil, send them to bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

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Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

Cover the rolls with a layer of sour cream, sprinkle with paprika. Send the rolls to bake for 15 minutes in the same way.

Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

Cut the peeled potatoes into small bars, sprinkle with salt, ground black pepper, paprika and thyme. Pour vegetable oil into the potatoes, mix.

Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

Place the potatoes on a baking tray lined with parchment. Bake the potatoes at 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

Выкладываем на противень и едим всю неделю. Куриные рулетики, которыми восхищается весь мир

You get tender rolls with a juicy stuffing inside. Garnish in the form of potatoes perfectly complements chicken rolls.

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