Jam is one of the oldest dishes invented by mankind. The fact is that ancient people thought about how to preserve harvested fruits and vegetables. After the discovery of fire, people began to experiment with salting and jamming various plants. It
is difficult to call the jam of ancient man similar to modern jam. However, for those years, the preparation of such a complex phenomenon was considered progress. It can be considered that jam is one of the first desserts.
Now few people cook with jam. Many justify this by the fact that it takes a long time to cook fruits and berries.
We will tell you how to quickly prepare strawberry jam.
Ingredients for strawberry jam:
- strawberries – kg;
- lemon – pcs;
- sugar – kg.
Preparation of strawberry jam:
Strawberries need to be well washed from unnecessary impurities, get rid of leaves and stems. Put ⅓ of the strawberries in the pot, sprinkle ⅓ of
the sugar. Put the strawberries on the sugar layer, repeat the actions until the products are not finished. A little sugar should be left for further sprinkling.
Strawberries in sugar should be put in the heat for 2-3 hours. The juice should be released from the berry. After that, fill the strawberries
the rest of the sugar.
Put the pot with the berries on a fire above medium and bring to a boil. Be sure to add freshly squeezed juice of one lemon to the jam before boiling
. After boiling jam should be cooked for 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
After cooking is required to give jam to cool slightly and pour it into jars.
In advance it is worth preparing, thoroughly rinse jars for jam.