Kholodets is not just a traditional dish used in Russian cuisine, it is a real culinary discovery with a rich history and a unique set of flavors. It is a cold meat dish made from boiled meat, often with the addition of vegetables, spices and gelatin.
Kholodets takes a special place on holiday tables, especially on New Year holidays, Shrovetide and other significant events.
In Russia, this dish is especially loved thanks to its heartiness, simplicity in preparation and opportunities for experimentation with ingredients. Usually it is prepared from different types of meat – pork, beef, sometimes add chicken or fish, as well as all kinds of spices and herbs, which allows you to create unique combinations of flavors.
- Pork – 1.5 kg;
- Bones;
- Beef – 500 g;
- Onion – 1 pc;
- Garlic – 3 cloves;
- Carrots – 3 pcs;
- Parsley – a bundle;
- Salt – 1 tbsp;
- Laurel leaf;
- Eggs – 4 pcs;
- Lemon – 1 pc;
- Gelatin – 20 g.
Preparation of cold meat:
In a pot with cold water put pork, beef, bones and on a fire above medium bring to a boil, remove the foam constantly. After all the foam is removed, leave the meat to cook under a lid for 2 hours at a lower than average heat.
After a couple of hours put to the meat onions, peeled carrots, parsley, black pepper if desired. Leave the meat and vegetables to cook for another 2 hours.
1 hour before
pour salt into the broth and continue to cook under the lid. Then remove all the vegetables and meat from the broth, leave 1 carrot for decoration.
Strain the broth from excess spices and herbs through a gauze cloth. We cut thin slices of lemon, boiled eggs are also cut in slices.
We divide the meat into fibers and put it in a mold for cold. Put eggs, parsley, lemon slices and parts of the remaining carrots.
Dissolve gelatin in water and wait until it swells
Then put the swollen gelatin in 100 ml of broth and melt over medium heat.
Pour the broth and gelatin into the total mass and pour into a mold for cold
Leave the coldcake to cool first at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
You get a delicious meat coldcracker for a feast. This is a good way to make a transparent coldcracker from pork and beef.