It is not uncommon to come across various innovations of modern cooking on the Internet. One such innovation is cutlets made of soy, beans and other products of non-animal origin. Vegetarian cutlets cause a lot of controversy around them.
Connoisseurs of real meat believe that such dishes can not be called cutlets. Originally, the French word cutlet means a rib on a bone.
Others think that soy cutlets have opened a new branch of gastronomy. It is a humane way of eating familiar products. It is
worth joining the vegetarian cuisine and cooking vegetable cutlets.
Ingredients for vegetarian cutlets:
- Potatoes – 300 g;
- Sauerkraut – 200 g;
- Onion – 1 pc;
- Egg – 3 pcs;
- Provence herbs;
- Paprika – ½ tsp;
- Powdered breadcrumbs – 2 tbsp.
Ingredients for the sauce:
- Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp;
- Salt – ½ tsp;
- Garlic – 1 clove;
- Black pepper.
Preparation of vegetable cutlets:
Boil potatoes until ready. In cold water rinse sauerkraut several times, drain the liquid through a colander. Chop
finely onion, fry for a couple of minutes in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Add cabbage to the onions and fry for 10 minutes.
Cool down the mixture of onions and cabbage, grate them through a coarse grater peeled boiled potatoes. Break an egg into the mixture, pour paprika, provan herbs and breadcrumbs, mix.
Form cutlets from the resulting mass. Break the remaining eggs in a separate bowl and beat with a fork. Envelope the cutlets in the egg mixture and then in breadcrumbs.
In a skillet in vegetable oil fry vegetable cutlets on each side for a couple of minutes. For the sauce, rub a garlic clove into the mayonnaise, add salt and black pepper, mix.
Vegetable cutlets can be served with mayonnaise sauce. This is a great substitute for ordinary meat cutlets.