Many people know about such a cake as cheesecake. Where did such a trendy dessert come to us from?
Most people claim that cheesecake originated in America. The argument for this conclusion, people make the fact that one of the most purchased cheesecake is called New York.
In part, people are right, a trendy dessert with a modern recipe came to us from the United States. But, cheesecake is much older than the discovery of America as a whole. The
birthplace of cheesecake should be considered ancient Greece. There this dessert in its original form was prepared about 4000 years ago.
Now the way of preparing cheesecake has changed.
Ingredients for cheesecake:
- cottage cheese – 600 g;
- sour cream – 200 g;
- egg – 4 pcs;
- sugar – 120 g;
- starch – 50 g;
- vanilla sugar – 1 tsp;
- salt – a pinch.
Preparation of cheesecake:
In a bowl with cottage cheese add sour cream. Separate the whites from the yolks, add the yolks to the sour cream and cottage cheese, pour in the starch
. Using an immersion blender, whip the cottage cheese mixture to a homogeneous mass without lumps. Separately whip the whites with a mixer to lush, stable peaks.
Gradually add sugar, vanilla sugar and salt to the whites. Continue to beat the whites until the products are combined.
Gently add the protein mixture to the cottage cheese mixture, stirring with a spatula. Cover the baking mold with parchment, transfer the cottage cheese mixture into it.
Bake the cake at 160 degrees for 45-50 minutes.
Take the cheesecake out of the mold only after it cools down completely.
Decorate the cake with yogurt or sour cream, as well as fruits and berries.