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Tastier than any biscuit. Tender semolina cake without baking in the oven: fast, tasty, cheap

Cake has become one of the symbols of the holiday, especially for children. Now there are many varieties of desserts. For example, Korean bento cakes have gained popularity. The zest of such cakes is in the careless childish design and small size. This cake teaches that you can make a holiday for yourself almost always.

This is quite a good rule for cakes. Whether it’s passing a diploma or winning a video game, you deserve to reward yourself for your achievement with a sweet. It’

s worth learning how to make cakes yourself


This can be done even without an oven.

Ingredients of cakes for a simple cake:

  • flour – 300 g;
  • semolina – 400 g;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • egg – pcs;
  • salt – a pinch;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp;
  • baking soda – ⅔ tsp;
  • dry yeast – ½ tsp.

Ingredients for the cream:

  • cottage cheese – 200 g;
  • cream – 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar – 100 g.

Preparation of a simple cake:

In a bowl, combine flour with semolina, salt, granulated sugar, baking soda and dry yeast. Heat water to lukewarm, slightly hot.

Pour the water into the bulk products, stir. Beat the egg in a separate bowl, add to the dough and quickly mix thoroughly until homogeneous.

Cover the dough with foil and leave it for 15 minutes


Heat a frying pan without vegetable oil. With a ladle pour the batter onto the surface, create a pancake. The halves should be equal to one pancake.

Вкуснее любого бисквита. Нежнейший манный торт без выпечки в духовке: быстро, вкусно, дёшево

Fry the pancake on one side only for a couple minutes, it will bake perfectly. Remove the pancake from the frying pan and put each on a separate plate.

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To prepare the cream, first whip the cream with a mixer, pour powdered sugar into it. Add cottage cheese to the mixture, beat until homogeneous.

Smear each cake with cream, lay them on top of each other. Smear the sides of the cake with cream.

Вкуснее любого бисквита. Нежнейший манный торт без выпечки в духовке: быстро, вкусно, дёшево

The cake does not require soaking, it can be served immediately.

Вкуснее любого бисквита. Нежнейший манный торт без выпечки в духовке: быстро, вкусно, дёшево

Decorate with coconut shavings or white chocolate.

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