One of the world’s dishes can be considered a casserole. The fact is that it is prepared in literally every country. It would seem that this dish is not particularly widespread in our culture. However, it is worth remembering that most dishes in our culture have other names.
In our country, a casserole is considered a noodle dish. In English gastronomic culture, a casserole is a pudding. Italians often see lasagna in cafes and restaurants instead of casseroles.
In France, casserole is originally called Gratin. As you can see, this dish is widespread everywhere.
We want to tell you how to make a delicious lazy casserole at home.
Ingredients of lazy casserole:
- chicken fillet – pcs;
- onions – pcs.;
- potatoes – pcs.;
- egg – pcs;
- salt – tsp;
- ground black pepper – tsp;
- oregano – ½ tsp;
- cheese – 150 g;
- butter – 30 g.
Preparation of lazy casserole:
Cooled chicken fillet should be shredded on large grater teeth. Onion cut into small cubes, peeled potatoes grate on a coarse grater.
In a separate bowl, combine the chicken, potatoes and onions. Add the egg, salt, ground black pepper and oregano to the mixture. Grate the cheese on a small grater, add to the mixture and mix well.
In a frying pan melt butter, pour the resulting mass. Cover the casserole with a lid, cook on medium heat for 15 minutes. Then turn the casserole, fry the second side in the same way.
If desired, you can sprinkle the cooked casserole with chopped parsley.
This will give additional flavor notes that will help to open up the dish.