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Tastier than belyashi and chebureks! Lazy stuffed cabbage without rice: I cook for dinner and lunch

What to cook for dinner? – this question constantly bothers a huge number of hostesses. It can be unrealistically difficult to please all members of the family. Children want a sweet dish, and the husband meat and hearty.

Have to find a compromise to please the whole family. Therefore, often a win-win option for dinner and lunch are cutlets. But, not all housewives know how to make delicious meat products. How to do in this case?

We have a recipe for delicious cutlets with vegetables, which will definitely not leave the family indifferent.

Ingredients for cutlets with vegetables:

  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 2 pcs;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • cabbage – 250 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • minced meat – 500 g;
  • coriander – ½ tsp;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs;
  • sour cream – 5 tbsp.

Preparation of cutlets with vegetables:

Cut into small pieces peeled onion, chop carrots on a coarse grater. In vegetable oil in a frying pan bring to a soft state chopped onion, add carrots, cook for an additional couple of minutes.

At this time you can finely chop cabbage, integrate into the fried vegetables. Stew the vegetable mixture on low heat for 15 minutes.

Transfer to a separate container vegetable


, salt and add


meat. Pour coriander to the meat, press garlic cloves through the press. Mix the ingredients by hand, form small cutlets.

On vegetable oil you need to fry the cutlets until browned on both sides.

Вкуснее, чем беляши и чебуреки! Ленивые голубцы без риса: готовлю на ужин и обед

The second carrot and onion are also cut into small cubes, put in a clean frying pan and cook for 2 minutes.

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Rub tomatoes finely, add to the fried onions and carrots


Stew the vegetable mass for 10 minutes at minimum heat. Then add salt and ground black pepper to taste, integrate sour cream and mix well.

In a baking mold put cutlets, cover their surface with sauce from sour cream and tomatoes


Вкуснее, чем беляши и чебуреки! Ленивые голубцы без риса: готовлю на ужин и обед

Bake the cutlets in the oven at 190 degrees for 35 minutes.

Вкуснее, чем беляши и чебуреки! Ленивые голубцы без риса: готовлю на ужин и обед

To this dish will go well with greens, such as cilantro. Also cutlets are combined with any garnish, which makes the dish universal.

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